

Through this eBook I will share with you my testimony hoping to help you understand the purpose of God in your life. In case of facing any kind of problems or if you think that there is no more reason for you to continue living the way you are, you could find hope in the middle of any situation. If God could changed me, He can change anyone.

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The fact that Jesus was not born in December leads us to investigate when was the most probable date when Jesus was born. In this work we will discuss about that time of the year when Passover lambs were born in Bethlehem.

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Through this piece of work we will explain Jesus’ Sonship and his Deity using the Old Testament and the New Testament as main sources…

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The Idea of God taking a human form and the idea of a sovereign vice-regent God is not new and didn’t start with Christianity.

According to the rabbinical scholar Alan Segal a Two Powers’ teaching can be traced back to the Second Temple period…

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